เรื่อง Asking for Direction จำนวน 5 ข้อ
โดย อ เบญจา สืบเสน โรงเรียนกันทรารมณ์
คำสั่ง Look at the map. Imagine you are standing at the point marked with a cross .Where do these directions take you to?

ข้อที่ 1)
Go Straight up Main street, then turn left at the third intersection. It's on your right.
A clock tower
A bank
A swimming pool
A theatre
ข้อที่ 2)
Go up as far as you get to the cinema and then turn right. Cross Pink Street at the Zebra Crossing and then turn right. It's on your left.
A bus station
A hospital
A Church
A swimming pool
ข้อที่ 3)
Keep left. Walk straight ahead until you reach a pedestrain,cross Red Street. It's infront of you.
A school
A railway station
A swimming pool
A park
ข้อที่ 4)
Walk pass the Church. Keep on walking until the end of the road. Then turn right. Walk about 5 minutes. It's on your left hand.
A railway station
A swimming pool
A bank
A park
ข้อที่ 5)
Go along Main Street, then turn right at the first coner. Take a second turn into the right hand fork. It's on your right.
A clock tower
A bank
A swimming pool
A shopping center